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What is IT security?

As soon as data and information is processed, stored and transmitted digitally, protective measures to defend against cyber attacks are essential. The threat of cybercrime is constantly growing and the consequences of a successful attack can be devastating. IT security and cybersecurity are therefore increasingly relevant topics, especially for companies.


What is IT?

IT stands for “information technology”. It includes the use of computers, networks, software and other technologies for the processing, storage, transmission and management of data. IT is a central component of modern communication and the efficient management and handling of business processes.

IT performs many functions in companies that contribute significantly to efficiency, security and competitiveness:


IT functions

IT performs many functions in companies that contribute significantly to efficiency, security and competitiveness:

Data management and analysis

IT systems collect, store and analyze data for well-founded business decisions.

Communication and collaboration

IT solutions improve internal and external communication and collaboration regardless of location.

Automation of business processes

Automation increases efficiency, lowers costs and reduces errors.

Customer service and CRM

IT supports customer service and CRM by managing and personalizing customer information.

Resource management

IT helps with the efficient management of personnel, finances and resources.

Innovation and competitive advantage

IT enables the development of innovative products and the opening up of new markets.

Compliance and reporting

IT systems support compliance with regulations and the creation of accurate reports.

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What is IT security?

IT security, also known as information security, refers to the protection of data and information systems against unauthorized access, manipulation and destruction. The aim of IT security is to protect socio-technical systems – i.e. the combination of people and technology – within companies and organizations from damage and threats. This is not just about digital data, but also about physical data centers and cloud services.

“Protection against cyber attacks includes measures to prevent, detect and respond to security incidents.”

What is the IT Security Act?

The IT Security Act, first introduced in 2015 and extended in 2021 by the IT Security Act 2.0, aims to improve IT security in Germany and increase resilience to cyber attacks. It is aimed at operators of critical infrastructures, telecommunications providers and IT manufacturers.
Here is an overview of the most important points of the IT Security Act:

Obligations for operators of critical infrastructures

Compliance with IT security standards and reporting obligations in the event of incidents.

Reporting obligations

Notification of significant IT security incidents to the BSI (Federal Office for Information Security).

Strengthening the BSI

The BSI is given extended powers for monitoring and support.

Producer responsibility

Eliminating security gaps and informing customers.

Fines and sanctions

In the event of violations of the regulations.

What areas does IT security cover?

IT security covers many areas, all of which are aimed at ensuring the security of data and systems. The most important areas include:

Internet and cloud security

Protection of information stored and transmitted over the Internet or in the cloud. This includes protection against cyber attacks and the security of user data. With the increasing use of cloud services, the importance of cloud security is also growing.

Reporting obligations

Notification of significant IT security incidents to the BSI (Federal Office for Information Security).

Endpoint security

Protection of all end devices such as PCs, notebooks, tablets and smartphones, including the applications and operating systems running on them. Endpoint security aims to protect everything that is connected within the company network, including the Internet.

User safety

Raising employee awareness of IT security risks. Employees must understand how they can influence the safety of the company through their behavior. Training and awareness-raising measures are crucial to minimize human error, which often serves as a gateway for cyberattacks.

What is the goal of IT security?
IT protection goals

The main objectives of IT security can be divided into three central protection goals: Availability, integrity and confidentiality. These objectives are crucial to ensuring the security and functionality of information systems.

In addition to these main objectives, there are other aspects, such as authenticity, accountability, non-repudiation and reliability, which ensure comprehensive IT security.


Information may only be viewed and used by authorized persons. This is achieved through access controls and the encryption of data transmissions to prevent unauthorized access.


Data must remain complete and correct. Systems must not be manipulated by unauthorized third parties. Mechanisms for detecting and eliminating security vulnerabilities are necessary to ensure data integrity.


IT systems must be functional at all times so that data is available when needed. Load tests help to check the load limits of the systems and ensure that business operations are maintained even in the event of attacks or failures.

Dangers from cyber attacks

A cyber attack can have serious consequences for companies and organizations. The possible effects include:

Theft of confidential information

Hackers can gain access to sensitive data, such as internal information or personal data. This can lead to industrial espionage, identity theft and credit card fraud.

Data manipulation

Unauthorized changes to data can compromise the integrity of information. Manipulated data can lead to incorrect decisions and disrupt business operations.

Production losses

Manipulated or missing data can disrupt the operation of automated systems and lead to production downtime. This can cause considerable financial losses and damage the company’s reputation.

Reputational damage

A successful cyber attack can shake the confidence of customers and business partners in the security and reliability of the company. This can have a long-term impact on business development.

What types of cyberattacks are there?

Cyber criminals use various methods to identify and exploit security vulnerabilities. The most common attack methods include

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

Long-lasting, targeted attacks in which hackers invest a lot of time and resources to penetrate a network and gain permanent access. APTs aim to spy on internal processes and sabotage the entire network.


Malware such as viruses, worms, Trojans and ransomware that can infect and damage systems. Well-known examples are WannaCry and Petya. These malware programs can steal data, paralyze systems or make ransom demands.


Fraud attempts via e-mail, in which recipients are tricked into disclosing sensitive data, such as access data or financial information. These e-mails often look professional and are difficult to recognize as forgeries.

DDoS attacks

Attacks in which the victim’s servers are overloaded by a flood of requests, resulting in the paralysis of services. DDoS attacks can significantly disrupt business operations and are often difficult to fend off.

IT security concept: How companies can improve their information security

Improving IT security is crucial for companies to protect themselves against the ever-growing threat of cybercrime. Here are some best practices and strategies that companies can implement to strengthen their IT security:

Introduce security policies and procedures

Companies should develop and implement comprehensive security policies and procedures. These should contain clear instructions for the secure handling of data and systems. All employees should receive regular training and be informed about these guidelines.

Regular safety checks and audits

Regular security checks and audits enable companies to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities in their systems. These reviews should be carried out by internal or external security experts to ensure an independent assessment of the security situation.

Network segmentation

Network segmentation can help to minimize the impact of a successful attack. By separating sensitive areas of the network from less critical areas, companies can prevent attackers from spreading unhindered throughout the entire network.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

The implementation of multi-factor authentication significantly increases the security of user accounts. MFA requires users to provide an additional form of authentication besides their password, such as a fingerprint or a code sent to their cell phone.

Regular software updates and patch management

Vulnerabilities in software and operating systems can be exploited by attackers. Companies should ensure that all systems are regularly updated and provided with the latest security patches.

Data backup and disaster recovery

Regular backups are crucial in order to be able to restore data in the event of a cyberattack, especially by ransomware. Organizations should have a robust disaster recovery plan that is regularly tested to ensure data integrity and uptime.

Safety awareness and training for employees

Employees are often the weak link in the security chain. Through regular training and awareness-raising campaigns, companies can increase employees’ security awareness and teach them how to recognize and report suspicious activities.

Implement access controls

It is important to restrict access to sensitive information and systems to those employees who actually need it. With strict access controls, companies can reduce the risk of an internal attack or data leak.

Monitoring and logging

By continuously monitoring and logging all activities in the network, companies can quickly recognize and react to unusual or suspicious activities. These measures make it possible to identify and rectify potential security incidents at an early stage.

Implementation of security software

Anti-virus programs, firewalls and email security solutions are basic tools that companies should use to protect their networks, systems and communications. These tools help to detect and block threats before they can cause any damage. The focus is on protecting against cyber attacks and securing sensitive data.

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IT security for SMEs – A dataglobal Group Guide

Are you already familiar with our free e-book “IT Security for SMEs – A dataglobal Group Guide”? In just under 20 pages, we offer a compact overview of the topic and provide tips for an effective IT security strategy for SMEs.

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Conclusion IT security

IT security is an essential element in today’s digital world. Companies and organizations should continuously invest in security measures to protect themselves against the growing threats of cybercrime. The protection goals of availability, integrity and confidentiality form the basis of IT security and must be guaranteed at all times.

By implementing comprehensive security strategies and raising employee awareness, companies can effectively protect their information systems and minimize the impact of cyberattacks. The following should be internalized: IT security is not only a technical challenge, but also a strategic task that requires continuous attention and adaptation.

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