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digital contract management

The digital solution for efficient contract management

The contract management software of the dataglobal Group

Manual contract management “by hand” is bound to cause problems. The management of paper documents burdens companies over time, as overfilled file folders and archives lead to chaos. You probably also suffer from the typical effects of paper-based contract management:

  • Missed deadlines
  • Lost contract documents
  • Lengthy processing and approval processes
  • High time, cost and personnel expenditure
Contract management software dataglobal Group

The optimal software solution for your contract management

The dataglobal Group’s digital contract management offers you an optimal solution for managing your contracts. You have full control over all contracts, contract-related documents and processes in your company. You also have flexible access and editing options, whether in the office or on the move. Fast, secure and completely digitized.

Digital contract management: all contract management processes covered

Digital contract management covers all processes, from the first draft contract to the signature-ready template. All the functions you need for efficient and secure contract management are available to you.

Digital workflows increase process speed and at the same time reduce the susceptibility to errors. You have access to all contracts at all times, both in the office and on the move using a mobile device (notebook, smartphone, tablet). In addition, the sophisticated rights concept and audit-proof archiving ensure maximum security for your business-relevant documents.

Contract management software from dataglobal Group - Contract lifecycle infographic

The contract management software for the efficient administration of any type of contract

Access to all contracts and contract-related documents in the company

Checking and releasing workflows

Optimal research and editing functions

Never miss deadlines and appointments again

Audit-proof archiving in accordance with GoBD and HGB

Protection against unauthorized access through dynamic rights concept

Always keep an overview of all contracts

Mobile access - anytime, anywhere

Your benefits with contract management from the dataglobal Group

Efficient management of all contracts & associated processes

All contracts and contract-related documents and processes are digitized and can be accessed at any time. You have full control and an overview at all times.

Optimal research and editing functions

Indexing allows you to find any contract and any information within seconds. Contracts can be edited ad hoc and commented on by authorized persons.

Efficient checking and approval through workflows

Every contract management software includes digital process control through workflows that allow you to check and approve your contracts quickly and securely. This increases efficiency enormously, as many manual steps are eliminated.

Keeping an eye on deadlines and dates

You will no longer miss any deadlines: the software automatically shows you whether or which actions are due soon for certain contracts.

Always keep an overview

The individual views allow you to optimally adapt the presentation of your contract documents to your way of working. For an optimal overview and quick searches, you decide for yourself which criteria are used to organize the documents.

Mobile access – anytime, anywhere

Manage your contracts from anywhere, whether in the office or on the move. The software can be operated via your desktop PC as well as via smartphone, tablet and notebook.

Protection against unauthorized access

Only those employees who are authorized to do so are granted access to contract files. This fulfills the corresponding data protection requirements in accordance with the EU GDPR.

Audit-proof archiving in accordance with GoBD and HGB

Audit-proof archiving ensures that documents cannot be changed. A basic prerequisite for compliance with legal requirements in accordance with GoBD and HGB.

Why a specialized solution for digital contract management?

Contract management in companies is often already partially digitized. Either with paper-based contract files that are “managed” using Excel lists. Alternatively, the contracts are already available in digitalized form and are managed using Office applications. However, both variants are error-prone and labor-intensive and time-consuming.

A specialized solution for digital contract management, on the other hand, maps the entire contract lifecycle (keyword “contract lifecycle management”). Such a specialist solution not only bundles the relevant information on your contracts on a central platform, but also maps all processes associated with contract management. From the first contract draft, processing and approval to contract archiving.

Contract management software / contract administration - dataglobal Group
dataglobal Group - Icon Workflow Management

Workflow automation also automates many of the contract processes. For you and your employees, this eliminates a large part of the manual, mostly repetitive tasks involved in managing your contracts. All in all, you can make your contract management much more efficient and save resources. Both in terms of the greatly reduced paper consumption and in terms of the manpower of your employees, which is now available for other, more useful purposes.

Interested in our solution? Make an inquiry here

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