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DMS specifications: How to find the right document management system

Ein durchdachtes Lastenheft ist der Schlüssel, um das passende Dokumentenmanagement System für Ihr Unternehmen zu finden. Es schafft Klarheit über Anforderungen, bietet Orientierung auf einem komplexen Markt und erleichtert die Auswahl der passenden DMS Software. In diesem Beitrag erfahren Sie, was ein professionelles Lastenheft beinhalten sollte und wie Sie es erstellen.


Create specifications now

Why a specification sheet is indispensable in a DMS project

A detailed specification sheet is the cornerstone of a successful DMS project. It helps companies to select the document management system (DMS) that best suits their individual requirements. In a complex DMS market with countless providers and different functions, a specification sheet provides orientation and structure.

In this article, you will learn how to create a professional specification sheet for a DMS and which aspects you should consider.


The path to a paperless office

DMS software has the potential to completely rid your office of tedious paper and thus save you money. However, this decision also presents you with a not insignificant challenge: you have to find the right system for your purposes – and that in a sea of providers and systems.

Would you like to find out more about the paperless office? Then we recommend our free white paper.


E-bill industries

What is a DMS?

DMS ist die Abkürzung des Wortes Dokumentenmanagementsystem. Es handelt sich um ein elektronisches System zur Verwaltung von Dokumenten. Eine DMS Software ermöglicht die Erfassung, Archivierung, Kategorisierung sowie Bearbeitung von Dokumenten und deren Verknüpfung untereinander. Im Wesentlichen unterstützt es also die datenbankgestützte Organisation von Dokumenten durch entsprechende Software.

Die Hauptaufgabe eines Dokumentenmanagementsystems liegt in der digitalen und zentralen Archivierung aller elektronischen Dokumente, die in einer Verwaltung oder einem Unternehmen anfallen. Dabei begleitet es den gesamten Lebenszyklus eines Dokuments – von dessen Erstellung, über die Bearbeitung, bis hin zur endgültigen Archivierung oder Löschung.

Ein DMS System ist meist modular aufgebaut. Verschiedene Module decken spezifische Aufgabenbereiche ab. Diese können je nach Notwendigkeit integriert werden oder nicht.

Tipp: In unserem offiziellen DMS-Guide erfahren Sie alles Wichtige über das Thema Dokumentenmanagement System, darunter die Vorteile für Ihr Unternehmen, verschiedene Checklisten und Best Practices sowie ein Kapitel zum „Konzept Einführung Dokumentenmanagementsystem“.


E-bill industries

DMS software as a collaboration tool

The DMS software is centralized. This means that all employees work with the same, correct data. This significantly improves cross-departmental collaboration. Workflows become more transparent and efficient for everyone involved.

Before the DMS specifications: Why you should initiate a separate DMS project

The search for the right document management system presents companies with numerous challenges. The introduction of such a system usually affects several departments and has far-reaching effects on internal processes and workflows.

It therefore makes sense to treat the search for a suitable document management system as a separate project. A dedicated DMS project creates clear structures, defines responsibilities and ensures that requirements are systematically recorded and prioritized. In addition, the structured project approach enables a well-founded market analysis and a transparent selection process in which different providers and solutions can be compared in a targeted manner.

DMS specifications

Step by step to the DMS specifications

1. define goals and requirements

Before you draw up a specification sheet, you should be clear about the goals you are pursuing with the introduction of a document management system. Ask yourself:

  • What are the current challenges in document management?
  • Which processes would you like to optimize with the DMS?
  • What specific corporate goals are to be achieved through the introduction of the DMS?

These objectives form the basis for the requirements that you record in the specifications.

2. process-oriented description

The specifications should not only list functional requirements, but should also be based on the existing processes. Describe in detail how documents are currently processed, archived and forwarded. Identify weak points and consider how a DMS system can make these processes more efficient.

3. involve all departments

The introduction of a document management system usually affects the entire company. It is therefore important to involve all relevant departments and specialist areas in the creation of the specifications. This ensures that the DMS meets the requirements of all departments and that cross-departmental workflows are improved.

4. formulate requirements instead of solutions

Avoid specifying concrete technical solutions in the requirements specification. Instead, concentrate on the requirements. Potential providers can then offer more flexible solutions and better evaluate whether their software fits your needs.

5. consider technical and organizational requirements

In addition to the functional requirements, technical and organizational criteria should also be described in the specifications. These include


  • Required interfaces and connections to existing systems
  • Safety requirements
  • User administration and role rights
  • Service level agreements (SLAs) and support services

Specifications DMS template

Die folgende Gliederung stellt eine beispielhafte Vorlage für ein Lastenheft DMS dar, die Unternehmen als Orientierung nutzen können. Da jedes Unternehmen unterschiedliche Anforderungen und Prozesse hat, kann und sollte die Ausgestaltung des Lastenhefts entsprechend individuell angepasst werden.


DMS specifications


  • Zielsetzung des Projekts
  • Kurzbeschreibung des Unternehmens


Aktuelle IST-Situation:

  • Bestehende IT-Infrastruktur
  • Anzahl der Benutzer
  • Dokumentenprozesse und -abläufe


Funktionale Anforderungen:

  • Dokumentenerfassung und -archivierung
  • Workflow-Management
  • Berechtigungs- und Rechteverwaltung
  • Benötigte Schnittstellen


Nicht-funktionale Anforderungen:

  • Performance-Anforderungen
  • Sicherheitsanforderungen
  • Skalierbarkeit


Organisatorische Anforderungen:

  • Schulungsbedarf
  • Support und Wartung



  • Meilensteine und Deadlines



  • Verantwortliche Personen im Unternehmen

Conclusion: The requirements specification as a success factor for DMS implementation

A professional specification sheet creates the basis for the successful introduction of a document management system. A structured DMS specification helps companies to select the right software and provides a valuable basis for the entire course of the project. It also serves as a helpful DMS specification template that is easy to understand for potential providers and internal project participants alike.

With a well thought-out concept for the introduction of a document management system, companies can optimize their processes sustainably and benefit from the advantages of digitization in the long term. Use the specifications not only as a template for selecting a provider, but also as a tool to systematically and successfully implement your DMS introduction.

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Do you need help creating a specification sheet? We will be happy to advise you!


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