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Digital Workplace Guide: dg Group publishes free e-book

The dataglobal Group publishes the official dg Group Guide to the Digital Workplace. Find out all about functions, software and benefits. The integrated checklists will help you with the implementation in your company.

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The modern workplace is digital

Digitalization has long since arrived in German companies, regardless of whether they are corporations or SMEs. Even if the level of development is of course not the same everywhere. Ideally, the digital workplace offers nothing less than a fully digitalized and mobile working environment for you and your employees.

You get simple and flexible access to all the data, applications and functions you need for your work. Anytime and anywhere from your respective end device – whether via desktop PC in the office or on the move via smartphone or tablet. Without any paper chaos and overcrowded file archives. Digital workflows allow you to noticeably optimize your company’s work processes.


The advantages at a glance:

– Mobile working

– Paperless office

– Quick access to documents & information

– Simplified collaboration/collaboration

Workflow management and automation

– Focus on security and data protection


What you can expect in the “Digital Workplace” guide

The dataglobal Group Guide deals with the topic from a holistic perspective and is aimed at both newcomers and advanced users of the subject.

But what does “holistic” mean here? Quite simply, our portfolio covers most of the software solutions that are required for implementation and are covered in this guide. These include ECM/DMS, workflow management, e-mail security and many more. In this way, we offer you a comprehensive insight that includes all areas relevant to companies.

Our aim is to communicate the possibilities and benefits of these sub-areas without “technical blah blah” and with a view to the concrete added value for companies. See for yourself.


The following questions, among others, are answered in the guide:


  • What is the Digital Workplace?
  • What functions and software does it contain?
  • What is ECM/DMS?
  • What are digital workflows?
  • What are collaboration tools?
  • What are the advantages for my company?
  • How is my digital data protected?
  • How can it be implemented?
  • How do I get my employees on board?
  • u. and much more.

Download e-book now

Download the free guide now. Find out everything companies need to know about the digital workplace and lay the foundations for the successful digitalization of your business. The eBook is part of the official dataglobal Group Guide series, which will be continued on an ongoing basis.

Digital Workplace

Text excerpt: “Functions of the Digital Workplace”

The task of a fully equipped digital workplace is to create a barrier-free transition between working in the office and working remotely, e.g. from home. This means that every employee must have the hardware and software components that enable them to perform all tasks remotely as well as in person.

In terms of software, employees have access to all the tools and information that are relevant to their work. Access must be quick and uncomplicated in order to create the conditions for efficient work – long retrieval times or tedious searches for information are out of place here. In addition, the optimal digital workplace not only integrates all relevant, previously digitized data, but also maps company-relevant work processes in the form of digital workflows. For example, travel expense reports or vacation requests are no longer submitted manually, but via a digital process.

On the hardware side, the rudimentary repertoire includes at least a notebook with an integrated webcam, including a microphone, in order to be able to take part in digital meetings. Of course, a smartphone or tablet can also be used as a mobile device – but these devices are more of a supplement to a desktop PC or notebook, which are particularly useful for mobile working.


Digital Workplace

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