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Success Story


Document management for the public sector

Output management expertise for modern administrations in Switzerland and Germany

Printcom and the dataglobal Group – or more precisely the dg Group company dataglobal GmbH – have been partners for more than 20 years. For the software developer with locations in Germany and Switzerland, this means that they have been working together since the early days.

Logo Printcom - Reference dataglobal Group

Printcom and the dataglobal Group – or more precisely the dg Group company dataglobal GmbH – have been partners for more than 20 years. For the software developer with locations in Germany and Switzerland, this means that they have been working together since the early days.

Founded in 1997 in Lörrach (Baden-Württemberg), Printcom (Schweiz) AG was established in Basel in 1999. Since 2022, Printcom has been part of GLAUX GROUP AG, a Swiss software company based in Bern. The office in Basel was then closed and also moved to the Swiss capital.

The credo to this day is: “Moving documents”. Printcom stands for software solutions in the field of document management and input and output management software. They design processes for their customers to optimize their company-wide output strategy, implement them and ensure smooth operation with their own support and technology (hardware). The full expertise is located in-house: the software and all components are developed completely in-house and customers are also supported directly by the team in Bern and Lörrach.

Focus on Swiss municipalities and offices

A special feature of Printcom is its customer base. “Our focus is on the public sector in Switzerland,” explains Felix Leimbach, CEO of Printcom. The focus seems to have been set correctly, as 14 out of a total of 26 cantons are now working with Printcom solutions, including the Swiss tax offices in particular. “Probably half of Switzerland’s tax volume runs through our software,” says Felix Leimbach.

In addition to tax offices, Swiss debt collection offices are among the main clients. To understand: A debt collection office is a cantonal or communal authority that is responsible for carrying out debt collection under Swiss law, i.e. it performs debt collection and bankruptcy tasks for the state. 68 debt collection offices are already Printcom customers, and the trend is rising.

For clients in the public sector, the main focus is on the integration of the archive and the integration of Printcom solutions into the large specialist applications already in use. There is close cooperation with the developers of the Swiss specialist applications, as compatibility must be ensured.
In addition to Switzerland, Printcom also has well-known customers in Germany, some of which are also in the public sector. For example, the vehicle registration office in the district of Böblingen in Baden-Württemberg – a major customer, as this is the location with the highest number of registrations in Germany. Also because Mercedes-Benz Tech Motion GmbH has its headquarters here.

dg archiv: “Optimal addition to the Printcom range”

The long-standing partnership between dataglobal GmbH and Printcom has been successful from the outset. The dataglobal solution dg archiv is the perfect complement to Printcom’s input and output management offerings. The archiving solution enables audit-proof archiving, with which important documents can be stored in a legally compliant manner.

Overall, the archive must meet the high requirements of public offices in Switzerland when it comes to data security and data protection. The dataglobal Group is proving to be the ideal partner for Printcom.

“For our customers, this is also crucial in court disputes, for example, where legally relevant facts must be reliably and credibly documented. This is made possible by a highly functional archive, with which all legal requirements for document archiving can be met,

Felix Leimbach

CEO, Printcom GmbH

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Integration of dg archive in documento

The Printcom solution documento deserves special mention here. Printcom documento is a scalable and workflow-based process management solution for the creation, control and distribution of documents to different output media. The constantly growing number of workflow plug-ins such as printing, archiving, franking and signing offers users comprehensive document management with all the functions they need. dg archive is used for document archiving in documento and is therefore an integral part of the solution.

Working in partnership

Felix Leimbach is convinced of the extremely collaborative and trusting partnership: “We also get on very well on a personal level, which is an important factor for a long-term business relationship. This enables us to always keep an eye on customer satisfaction. Communication and coordination are essential here: we don’t offer off-the-shelf software, but individual solutions for document management.”

Many Printcom customers have integrated the solution so deeply that its presence is no longer actively noticed, says Felix Leimbach. This is a thoroughly positive sign, as it speaks for the ideal adaptation to the client’s requirements and existing technical infrastructure. “We can only achieve such a result through optimal coordination. The dataglobal Group is heavily involved in this process and works with us to find the ideal solution for the customer.” In addition, error reports are also processed quickly and reliably in the event of faults in order to resolve problems with the software as quickly as possible, he says.

Praise for partner management

Felix Leimbach particularly emphasizes the excellent partner support provided by the dataglobal Group. To date, the company has always helped to satisfy customers at various levels – even with unusual requests, which are not uncommon, especially in the public sector. “Swiss authorities tick differently than German industrial customers, for example. The dg Group partner management knows this and helps us to accommodate the customer and always find the right solution.” There are also differences within this customer group that need to be taken into account. “A debt collection office in a small village does not need a solution with the same scope of services as a large city. Scalability is a decisive factor here. With our colleagues from the dataglobal Group, we can respond to this and offer customized solutions in terms of price and performance.”

There is particularly close contact with Steffanie Blietz, Partner Management dataglobal Group. “Working with Steffanie is great,” says Felix Leimbach. “We trust each other: if I have Steffanie’s word, I don’t need a contract before I go to the customer with the offer. I’ve always been able to rely on her, no matter what the circumstances. For me, that’s a key reason why our collaboration has lasted for so many years and has been so successful.”

Joint plans for the future

There are big plans for future collaboration and various projects are already in the pipeline. “We currently have a great project that involves integrating Printcom’s scanning solution into dataglobal Group offers. We also support archiving processes that require connections to specialist applications,” says Felix Leimbach. They are happy to support each other and complement each other’s offerings.

Another major project is scheduled to run until 2025/2026. A large canton in Switzerland is currently planning to introduce a standardized output management system for its cities and municipalities in the area of finance. Printcom is involved in the development of a common standard for the required input and output processes. The challenge: The sizes of the individual cities and municipalities vary greatly, which is why a standard is required that offers an optimal document management solution from the village to the metropolis. The dataglobal Group is also involved in licensing as part of this multi-year process and is playing an active role in implementation.

One thing is therefore certain: the German-Swiss success story between the dataglobal Group and Printcom will continue in the coming years.

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