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E-invoicing in Italy: The European pioneer in e-invoicing?

From 2025, mandatory e-invoicing will be gradually introduced in the B2B sector in Germany.
For many companies, this is a major change that will bring both challenges and opportunities.
In Italy, e-invoicing has been mandatory since 2019 – for both B2B and B2C.
In this blog post, we take a closer look at Italy’s pioneering role and explain what impact this will have on EU member states.

Introduction of the e-bill in Italy

On January 1, 2019, Italy became the first country in the EU to introduce mandatory e-invoicing for all B2B and B2C transactions.
An ambitious project aimed at combating tax evasion and improving efficiency in accounting.

Digital invoicing, known as “Fattura elettronica” or FatturaPA, is carried out via a central system, the so-called Sistema di Interscambio (SdI).
This system checks and validates each invoice before it is forwarded to the recipient.
The introduction of this system has enabled the Italian tax authorities to better monitor compliance with VAT obligations and thus significantly reduce tax evasion.


Recognition rate

Why Italy is playing a pioneering role

With the introduction of e-invoicing, Italy has not only set new standards, but has also shown that comprehensive digitization in the area of invoicing is possible.
While many European countries were hesitant or only relied on voluntary measures, Italy went one step further and made electronic invoicing mandatory for all companies.
This has not only increased tax transparency, but has also helped companies to modernize their processes and make them more efficient.

Another reason why Italy is seen as a pioneer is the high level of acceptance and rapid adaptation of the Italian economy to the new system.
Within just a few years, companies of different sizes have adapted to the new reality and are now benefiting from the advantages of digital invoicing, such as reduced administrative costs and faster payment processing.


Impact on the European Union

The introduction of e-invoicing in Italy has far-reaching implications for the entire European Union.
On the one hand, the Italian model serves as a blueprint for other member states wishing to introduce similar systems.
Countries such as Spain and Poland have already expressed interest in designing their own digital invoicing systems based on the Italian model.
Germany will introduce mandatory e-invoicing in the B2B sector in 2025.

Secondly, the EU has recognized the introduction of e-invoicing as an important step towards harmonization and standardization within the single market.
In June 2022, the European Commission launched the “VAT in the Digital Age” initiative, which, among other things, provides for the introduction of mandatory e-invoicing throughout the EU.
This will draw on Italy’s experience to identify best practices and better understand the challenges.


Advantages of electronic invoice processing

Challenges and opportunities

Despite the successes, there were also challenges with the introduction of e-billing in Italy.
Small and medium-sized companies initially had difficulties meeting the technical requirements and converting their existing systems.
However, these challenges were largely overcome through support and training offered by the government and private service providers.

On the other hand, the opportunities offered by e-invoicing are enormous.
Companies benefit from more efficient processes, better traceability and a reduction in invoicing errors.
Digitalization also contributes to sustainability, as paper consumption is drastically reduced.



With the introduction of mandatory e-invoicing, Italy has set a milestone in the digitalization of accounting in Europe.
As a pioneer, the country has not only increased tax transparency and efficiency in its own country, but has also provided important impetus for the entire EU.
While other countries are still in the process of modernizing their systems, Italy has already shown that a comprehensive digital transformation is possible and beneficial.
The experience that Italy has gained in recent years will certainly play a central role in the future development of digital invoicing in the EU.

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